Originally sold as a puppy to a laundress who kept it as a puppy.
Mrs Fairbrother whilst serving in the Forces in Germany, exchanged coffee, cigarettes, food, which the Germans were badly in need of, and a young bitch puppy from Mrs Somerfield, to enable her to get the dog.
On release from quarantine, went to Elizabeth Somerfield, PANFIELD Kennels.
Extract from The Dog World Annual 1947, Page 64
"As a first step towards improvement, Mrs. Fairbrother imported a year old dog, Gremlin Gernot von den Herreneichen - who is now out of quarantine. Gernot is a typical German Boxer of great style and quality. A rich red fawn, short coupled, sound and full of virility. His pedigree is below.
Gernot should be agreat asset to the breed and prove a most valuable out-cross, as he comes from a long line of winning ancestors. His father is the sire of pracitally every winning dog in the West of Germany, and was best in show at the big Frankfurt event. At 6 years old he was best brindle dog at the Dusseldorf show this year. His dam Esta was best Boxer bitch in show at Frankfurt. Gernot should also improve temperament and intelligence as he holds the very coveted special pedigree which is only issued to dogs bred from obedience trained parents - all of which breeding is controlled very strictly by the German Boxer Club. Released from quarantine at the end of September, Gernot has alrady been used by discerning breeders. His stud fee is £26 5s. to approved bitches. "
Phyllis Robson

Born: 1945
Sex: Dog
Colour: Red
Breeder: Frau Markloff
Owner: Mrs M Fairbrother, GREMLIN Kennels
Then, Mrs E W Sykes, JONWIN Kennels
Then in 1949, Miss S Anderson, GERDORF Kennels
Sire: Bar von der Rheinhohe Sch. H. III
Sire: Sieger Stolz vom Friedenheim Sch. H. III (NOT von)
Dam: Andra von der Rheinhöhe Sch. H. III (YES)
Dam: Esta von der Herreneichen Sch. H. III (NOT den)
Sire: Carlo von der Herreneichen (NOT den)

Dam: Hexe vom Turm (NOT von)
Direct Progeny
CH & Irish CH Gernotson of Jonwin
CH Linbox Leo
CH Panfield Tap Dancer
KC Stud Book No. 233AE
(1948 - Vol.LXXV - Page 691)

Born: 29
May 1943 (YES)
Sex: Dog
Colour: Brindle
Breeder: Mrs P M Osborn, BRAMBLINGS Kennel
Owner: Mr & Mrs J W Lissenden, AWLDOGG Kennel
Sire: Stainburndorf
Sire: Zuntig
von Dom
Dam: Bessi
von Trauntal
Dam: Panfield Dolla of Bramblings
Sire: Panfield Adler
Dam: Ger
Imp Alma von der Frankenwarte
Direct Progeny
Panfield Serenade
Imported from America
in 195?
Shown at Crufts 1953 (Not for Competition)
Same breeding as CH
Bang Away of Sirrah Crest

Born: 15 Oct 1951
Sex: Dog
Colour: Brindle, White Markings
Breeder: Mr & Mrs J P Wagner, MAZELAINE Kennel,
Owner: Major & Mrs S W Somerfield, PANFIELD Kennel
Died - 1958
Sire: INT CH Ursa Major
of Sirrah Crest
Sire: CH
Yobang of Sirrah Crest
Dam: Umbra of Sirrah Crest
Dam: Verily Verily of Sirrah Crest
Sire: CH
Xebony of Sirrah Crest
Dam: CH Questa
of Sirrah Crest
Direct Progeny
CH Panfield
Beau Jinks
CH Panfield
Texas Tycoon
CH Sheafdon Spellmaker
CH Panfield
Sneatonhall Ensign
CH Lejeune Sporting
CH Merriveen Medallion