Wardrobes Sapphire Mink
Champion 114
3 CC - 6 RCC
Born: 11 Jul 1957
Sex: Bitch
Colour: Brindle, White Markings
Sire: CH
Wardrobes Swinging Kilt
Dam: CH
Wardrobes Miss Mink
Breeder: Mrs C Wilson Wiley
Owner: Mrs C Wilson Wiley
Date of Attaining Title: 16 Mar 1960
CH Felcign
Champion 115
3 CC - 2 RCC
Born: 17 Jun 1958
Sex: Bitch
Colour: Fawn,
White Markings
Sire: Felcign
Dam: CH
Felcign Cover Girl
Breeder: Mrs F M Price
Owner: Mrs F M Price
Date of Attaining Title: 26 Mar 1960
Witherford Dawn Sky
Champion 116
15 CC - 10 RCC
Sire of 3 Champions

Born: 25 Dec 1958
Sex: Dog
Colour: Brindle, White Markings
Sire: CH
Witherford Crystal Clear
Dam: Witherford Sunwarm
Breeder: Mrs P M Withers
Owner: Mrs P M Withers
Date of Attaining Title: 9 Apr 1960
Burstall Highblo Valda
Champion 117
4 CC - 1 RCC
Born: 15 Feb 1957
Sex: Bitch
Colour: Fawn,
White Markings
Sire: AM
Imp Rob Roy of Tomira
Dam: Benbox Dainty Dinah
Breeder: Mr C Kelleher
Owner: Major D F Bostock
Date of Attaining Title: 20 May 1960
Summerdale Normlin Freelancer
Champion 118
3 CC - 4 RCC
Sire of 2 Champions

Born: 23 Feb 1959
Sex: Dog
Colour: Brindle, White Markings
Sire: AM
Imp Rainey-Lane Sirrocco (NOT Lane's)
Dam: Miss Camille of Normlin
Breeder: Mrs L Archer & Mrs M Fairbrother
Owner: Mr M Summers &
Mrs M Fairbrother (YES)
Date of Attaining Title: 2 Jul 1960
Joriemour Ballerina
KC Stud Book No. 460AN
(1956 - Vol. LXXXIII - Page 666)
Champion 119
3 CC - 6 RCC
Born: 25 Dec 1953
Sex: Bitch
Colour: Brindle, White Markings
Sire: Flash of Wrymark
Dam: Leeta’s Legacy (Leetas')
Breeder: Mrs M L Clark
Owner: Mrs M L Clark
Date of Attaining Title: 2 Jul 1960
Wardrobes Side Saddle of Arnogar
Champion 120
24 CC - 10 RCC
BOB Crufts 1962
Dam of 2 Champions
Top Boxer 1962 (7 CC - 2 RCC - 4 BOB)

Born: 31 Jul 1959
Sex: Bitch
Colour: Fawn,
White Markings
Sire: CH
Wardrobes Wild Mink
Dam: Odette of Arnogar
Breeder: Mrs A M Garroway
& Mr C Arnot
Owner: Mrs C Wilson Wiley
Date of Attaining Title: 16 Jul 1960
Burstall Kinvike Clarion Call (NOT Klarion)
Champion 121
17 CC - 6 RCC
BOB Crufts 1961
Sire of 1 Champion

Born: 17
(15 or 29?) Sep 1959
Sex: Dog
Colour: Fawn,
White Markings
Sire: CH
Burstall Barnstormer
Dam: Karendorf Replica
Breeder: Mrs
R Gathercole & Ft-Lt Bell (or Mr Spicknell?)
Owner: Major D F Bostock
Date of Attaining Title: 30 Jul 1960
CH Felcign
Hot Cargo
Champion 122
4 CC - 5 RCC
Sire of 1 Champion
Felcign Hot Cargo winning the dog CC
at the Southern Counties Championship Show 1960
Born: 10 Mar 1959
Sex: Dog
Colour: Brindle, White Markings
Sire: CH
Merriveen Medallion
Dam: CH
Felcign Fabulous
Breeder: Mrs F M Price
Owner: Mrs F M Price
Date of Attaining Title: 7 Sep 1960
Wardrobes Silhouette of Arnogar
Champion 123
7 CC - 5 RCC
Dam of 1 Champion
Wardrobes Silhouette of Arnogar winning the bitch
at the Southern Counties Championship Show 1960

Born: 31 Jul 1957
Sex: Bitch
Colour: Fawn,
White Markings
Sire: CH
Wardrobes Wild Mink
Dam: Odette of Arnogar
Breeder: Mrs A M Garraway & Mr C Arnot
Owner: Mrs C Wilson Wiley
Date of Attaining Title: 7 Sep 1960
CH Radden
Champion 124
3 CC - 2 RCC

Born: 4 Sep 1957
Sex: Dog
Colour: Brindle (Red?),
White Markings
Sire: CH
Wardrobes Red Sash
Dam: CH
Wardrobes Miss Sable
Breeder: Mrs M Norrington
Owner: Mrs M Norrington
Date of Attaining Title: 15 Oct 1960
Dorclif Decision (NOT
Dorcliff Descision)
Champion 125
4 CC - 6 RCC

Born: 14 Apr 1959
Sex: Bitch
Colour: Fawn,
White Markings
Sire: CH
Wardrobes Wild Mink
Dam: Dorcliff Quaker Girl
Breeder: Mrs D Greenwood
Owner: Mrs D Greenwood
Date of Attaining Title: 12 Nov 1960
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